We deliver a practical training that push you to the best professional career path
Siemens NX CAD/CAM
The Siemens NX CAD CAM training course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills needed to excel in computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) using Siemens NX software. This comprehensive course covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques, ensuring that participants can effectively utilize Siemens NX for their engineering and manufacturing needs.
نظرة عامة علي الكورس
Participants will learn to create detailed 3D models, perform complex assembly operations, and generate precise tool paths for manufacturing. The course is ideal for engineers, designers, and manufacturing professionals looking to enhance their proficiency in Siemens NX and streamline their design-to-manufacturing workflow.

محتوي الكورس
Siemens NX CAD (Level1)
- User Interface Introduction
- Part Analysis
- Sketching
- Solids from Sketches
- Edge Operations
- Datum Features
- Assembly Environment
- Assembly Constraints
- Wave Geometry Linker
Introduction to drafting
Siemens NX CAD (Level2)
- Advanced Sketching techniques
- Freeform Modelling
- Creating sheets & surfaces
- Sewing & thickening surfaces
- Advanced feature operations
- Modelling with Expressions
Siemens NX CAD
- User Interface Introduction
- Part Analysis
- The Operation Navigator
- CAD for Manufacture
- Creating tools
- Drilling
- Planar Milling
- Z Level Roughing
- Adaptive Roughing
- Fixed Axis Contouring
مدة التدريب
- 48 ساعة تدريبية (12 محاضرة)
- محاضرتان بالأسبوع
- مدة المحاضرة 4 ساعات
لمن هذه الدورة؟
- مهندسين التصميم الميكانيكي
- مصممين المنتجات
- مهندسين التصميم الصناعي
- Manufacturing Engineers
متطلبات الدورة
خبرة بالتصميم الهندسي والتصنيع
المستوي المبتدئ والمتوسط
الأدوات المطلوبة
- كمبيوتر مثبت به Siemens NX